The Gardens will be OPEN in 2025.
Opening June 1st. to September 15th, 2025, 11 am to 3 pm.
Accessibility: Level ground over gravel or grass. No toilet facilities.
For group tours arrangement should be made by organizers for outdoor toilet facilities to be available. Tour at your own risk.
Over 7.5 acres of breathtaking gardens
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At the time it was acquired, Hosaic Creek (now renamed Nash Creek) actually flowed through the property at the south-east end on its way to the St Lawrence River. As seen today, Seven Willows only borders Nash Creek along its west side.

The Gardens
The gracious layout of the 7-1/2-acre irregular-shaped ground of the sweeping lawns contains eight separate and distinct gardens, consisting of 50 flower beds. With the exception of Centre Point, each garden encompasses at a minimum six flower beds and displays it’s own individual characteristics and unique design in both shape and plantings. These gardens are identified for reference and to facilitate effective strolling through Seven Willows.
The multiple gardens comprising Seven Willows are overwhelmingly about hostas. Between 1998 and 2014 a new hosta bed was created annually. The primary driving force behind each creation was an attempt to showcase hostas in varied landscape and design settings; it is this focus on hostas that is the major attraction. There are eight distinct sections or eight separate gardens, with each consisting of a cluster ranging between 6 to 12 flower beds, making a total of 50 beds featuring over 900 different varieties of hostas. Daylilies are also in abundance, of which at least 438 named varieties are to be found throughout Seven Willows.
Creek Side
Centre Point
Summer House Garden
Japanese Style
Woodland Garden
Cottage Style Garden
The Hostas
A new hosta bed was created annually between 1998 and 2014: the final hosta bed, #49, involved clearing away woody shrubs and ground cover in this old bed and adding fresh soil to facilitate new plantings of 107 hostas, the vast majority survived, with a few more added in 2018. This single bed now contains at least 137 different varieties of hostas and over 70 different varieties of daylilies.